Friday, July 27, 2012

it's been a while..

This week has been terrible to say the least. Let me give you a little insight:
  • being yelled at from the moment I walk into work until I leave
  • my brand new(less than 30 days old) iPhone 4S stopped working so I had to buy a flip phone from Wal-Mart to use until I go to Apple this afternoon
  • I discovered my precious angel Bristol chewing on our dresser last night. Thank goodness it's black and I was able to make the shredded wood on the corner a little less noticeable with a Sharpie. She's also been chewing my desk chair at night so I threw that in the closet. I'm going to buy her a big bone today to divert her need to chew mommy & daddy's furniture.
  • Kelly (one of my besties that blogs over here) and I went on a big girl date on Tuesday and had by far the worst service EVER. Dear Chili's at Wolfchase, I'm never coming back. (I did enjoy the girl talk & TJ Maxx shopping though!)
On another note, there were some happy things this week:
  • John figured out how to work his iPad so we were able to FaceTime for a few days before my phone went crazy!
  • My amazing DVR recorded all of my shows while I was busy FaceTiming :]
  • I got my work schedule for this weekend and don't have to go in until 1 on Saturday(happy dance for sleeping in a little).
  • I read a story on my local news website about a Navy SEAL who passed away in combat & in his will he wrote that he wanted 100,000 people to donate a dollar to the Wounded Warrior Project. This touched my heart so I gave a donation in his honor.
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I'll first start off with a little recap of my weekend because that is definitely something I loved this week :] We went on a tour of the USS Nautilus, a fireworks show & concert in New London, walked around Mystic, CT and ate at Mystic Pizza! It was the best weekend!

Okay..enough with the weekend recap..on to WILW!
Sigma Kappa's Lilly collection was finally released! I'm not going to go overboard but I'd like a few things, starting with the tote :]

I am IN LOVE with this watch! Watch+Bracelets all at the same time!

I love this idea! Put pictures of you both growing up along the aisles instead of flowers. So cute!

I love any and all things with anchors, and this cake is no exception :]

This is just too funny! I'm reading the second book now. I'm not obsessed with them but they're pretty good. I'm anxious to see how they can turn them into movies without being rated X.

Happy Wednesday y'all!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It's that time again! While everyone is wishing America a happy birthday, I'm wishing my daddy a happy 49th birthday! The poor man always had to combine his birthday party with the family barbeque so we always make a conscious effort to not include red, white, and blue with his birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Daddy(& America)!

On to What I'm Loving Wednesday..

I LOVE these canvases with your wedding vows on them. What a great daily reminder of the love you will always share with your spouse.

I have a thing for big picture canvases lately. This arrangement isn't too overwhelming for the room and I love how all the pictures are black & white.

If you've followed me for any length of time, you know my boyfriend is in the Navy. I have a new anchor obsession. It happens.

This girl has the right idea. I'm all about being comfy but not looking frumpy. This is a great combo of style & comfort.

I adore Mrs. Kelly Ginn & all her findings. She sent me a picture of the koozie with the sailboat earlier and I fell in love. Guess this will be next on my online shopping list.

I would've never thought of this on my own. Thank goodness for Pinterest. You can take a plain sweatshirt from WalMart and turn it into a wardrobe piece with just a small pocket in whatever fabric you choose!

This is one of the pictures that Kelly took last week during our blog friend meet up! I bought this at John's graduation & I haven't let it out of my sight since. Read more about our meet up here & check out Kelly's photography page here. She's so talented!

Last, but not least, I am obsessed with this outfit. This heat is killing all of us and this outfit is perfect! I love the color of the shorts & the lace on the top!

Thanks for reading, everyone! Happy 4th!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Okay I'm a tad bit excited today because it's my little Bristol's 1st Birthday!!! She has been such a blessing to John & I. We got her in November during an impromptu trip to the Bartlett Animal Shelter. I had seen her picture online but I thought for sure she'd be gone by the time we got there. We started walking through the shelter and spotted her sitting in the very back of her cage up on a little bed. She looked so scared. We asked if we could take her out to hold her and discovered a large wound over her right eye. John asked what it was and the lady said she had been playing with her sister(who was getting adopted that day) and her sister had scratched her and it got infected. He was concerned about getting her since we'd have to start off putting medicine on it and washing it several times a day. The lady guaranteed us it would heal.

We stepped outside to talk about it and obviously agreed to get her! I was so excited to get to Petco to spoil her rotten. John picked out her tag(a heart with pink rhinestones on it) while they gave her a bath. We spent probably around $150 getting everything we thought she would need.

She was, and still is, packed full of energy with the cutest little personality. She has trust issues with men and growls whenever she sees one with the exception of her daddy. She has kept me busy since John left for the Navy and we have gotten closer than we were before. I talk to her like she's going to talk back, cuddle with her when I'm sad, and take her on SEVERAL walks a day. She is the apple of our eyes. We want to get another dog eventually so she can have a playmate but for now she's more than enough to handle :]

Mommy & Daddy love you so so so much!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Hey y'all! I've redone my blog a tad bit :] come check it out!

I'm so excited for only 2 1/2 more days of work this week!!!!